Wednesday, February 27, 2013


These last few days have been beautiful in so many ways!
First of all, it has been super sunny.
I've driven with my sun roof open everyday! (My favorite part of my new car)

Sunday afternoon me and Kensington went to pick up Amber from the airport. Somehow...we went to the wrong airport. That would be typical of two blondes but we are actually smart! And who knew SLC had two airports?!?! Anyway....

Yesterday I went to the temple!

IN MY CAR!!! I love it so much

What a beautiful place of peace and serenity.

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Afterward me, Kenz, Britt, and our friend Solomon took a little adventure trip to Walmart. All school year I have really wanted pet fish, but just never got the chance to get any! Well last night we finally did! It's against the rules but oh well, what are they going to do, kick me out for having goldfish in my room?
hahahaha kenz


Their names are....

Fergie (mine)
Cinderelly (Kensington's)
Blackbeard (haha that's Amber's it's really ugly)
no name (britt)
no name #2 (solomon)
...haha we'll name those last 2 later

Just a thought for the day.....
How can we make an important choice, when our mind tells us one thing, and our heart tells us another? My mind says that one way is the right and rational thing to do, but my heart says to do what I love. When someone comes up with a good answer to that question, you better let the world know because you're gonna be FAMOUS!

A scripture I loved today

Jacob 4:7
"Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness that we may know that it is by his grace, and his great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things."

The temple
Kenny Chesney
& Easter mini cadburry eggs

Welp that's all folks!


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