Thursday, March 21, 2013

Something Strange

Something strange was the realization I had today.
We learn so many lessons in this life, but I guess some just have to be learned more than once.
I once really loved someone! Or thought so, at least. I would do anything for this person. I loved this person because they helped me love myself. After this person was gone, though, I thought that I just couldn't be happy without them. So I let myself be sad.
I eventually realized this person was never coming back. He's not the same as he was back then, and I definitely am not the same as I was back then. I basically keep this person in my heart as a fond memory of growing up- a special time in my life.
Most importantly, I promised myself I would never think I needed someone to be happy again.

Well, today I was reflecting on the lessons I learned with this person, since I heard some news about them and was reminded (When you're from a small town, you just always know what's going on with the people who live there).
It hit me pretty hard that I hadn't even really noticed that I had done it again! I tried to deny it, and think to myself that this time it's different. The only thing that is different is the person, time and place. It's still the same thing....I'm letting someone else impact my happiness.

It really lifts a weight off my chest to realize that I don't need this person at all. I was fine without them before I knew them, so can't I learn to be okay where I am now, too? And not just okay, but happy?

Yes I can :)


p.s. only a month left of school! Bittersweet

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