Saturday, January 26, 2013

Waking Up

Today, I went on the best run I've had in a long time. It was raining and I wanted to go forever. Runs like these are what make me love it. A song I haven't heard in a while came on while I ran, and I truly understand what it means to say hello to the world once again.

 Today was like waking up


Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Word We Say

Perfectly said

Hate is a strong word
People think hell, damn, shit, are curse words?
I think hate is my curse word.
Hatred is a painful emotion...
So why in the world would we let ourselves go through pain, by feeling hatred?
Isn't it our choice to love or hate?
But it's easier said than done to always love.

If there was anything I could remove from this world, hatred would be it
It skews judgments, and it feeds other emotional jealousy, anger, and resentment                   
I’m not perfect
Even though I’ve told people I’ve hated them, or acted out on it,
I know it’s wrong and I try to be better each day.

I know one can never take back how they hurt someone through hate
Through words and actions too.
But I do believe in forgiveness
And I hope that people can find it in their hearts to forgive those who have done them wrong.
It’s pointless to live holding onto a wrong that someone has done unto you
Love and forgiveness are the keys to happiness I think.


Raegan is one of my most treasured friends. You can tell I love her by how cheesy my smile is in this picture! She is the best example of love no matter what. She never says a bad word about anyone.  I miss her a lot, and when I think of people I want to be like I think of her.

It’s really cute because our little sisters are best friends now. Hopefully they go on to high school and run cross country together, too! If you’re reading this, I love you Raegan (and Kennedy her little sis)! 

Something that makes me smile...


Monday, January 21, 2013

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

This has always been one of my favorite holidays. Since elementary school, MLK has been a big focus around this time of year. At our schools we learned a lot about him, and as far as I was concerned at a young age, MLK was the civil rights movement. I just love him and I wish he was alive so I could meet him someday, or hear him speak about those days.

Tonight at BYU, me and my friend Jared went to the bell tower candle ceremony and walk with candles in remembrance of MLK. It was inspirational. Then we heard a speaker and some choirs and it was just a great night.

my candle "Just need one"

me and Jared's candles. lol his cup caught on fire so he had to go solo with his candle!

a bunch of candles

so awesome!

 Although I'm not African American, I'm still grateful that I don't have to watch my fellow people go through what they did prior to the civil rights movement. It would eat me alive to watch innocent people go through what they did... although today has its own struggles, we are fortunate we no longer live in a society and day of that age. I seriously honor Martin Luther King Jr's name.

SO YUMMY I even have a meal plan and this is my favorite meal hahaha

 And an LOL for the day:

sounds like the words of an RM

Saturday, January 19, 2013

These Days

I love the three day weekend!!!!
I can actually clean my room and get some sleep.
I saw Les Mis last night, and I loved it!
So what am I doing these days?
Just the same old.
This song has been my favorite song of ALL SONGS for as long as I can remember.
Back when Gary LeVox was really in his prime haha :)
 I thought we were getting married when I grew up, even though he has two kids.
It's the best song Rascal Flatts ever did make, probably tied with Fast Cars and Freedom.
I haven't listened to it for a while, and today as soon as I turned on the radio it came on.
It really is what I'm doing these days

Monday, January 14, 2013


So, my song of the day!....makes me want SUMMER.SO.BAD. I love the video. 

Anyway....Today I thank God for the gift of music. And I love Jake Owen.

I forgot until I played the piano tonight how beautiful it really is and how it heals.

On a lighter note, I'm also thanking God for Ryan Gosling and his "Hey Girl" memes

hahaha yup
I'm so thankful for my friends Brittani Kensington and Amber! We had a sleepover the last like 4 nights. Provo would not be bearable without them! We've done some fun things lately.... like eat, watch The House Bunny (seriously the best movie, and shelley's bod inspires me to work out more haha), eat, go to class, listen to Les Mis and Beyonce, eat, go to church, eat....yeah that's about it! 

possibly the ugliest pic known to mankind of me but it's okay because i love them :) this is kenz and amber


Carrie Mae: 1. The only magic I ever did was try to figure out how to stay in college for nine years and not go back to my trailer park in Idaho.

2. Do you guys know where the crapper is? I have to drop some timber. 

3. Do you guys know where the crapper is? I have to do a *very mysterious* thing in there... 
...Drop some timber. 


loves ...-lake-...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013



I just absolutely love everything about this

It's only day 2 of my second semester at school, and all I can say is WOWWWEEE. If this was the first couple days of last semester, I would most likely have a nervous break down!

A couple cool things....

My new religion class, the first half of the Book of Mormon- is going to be A TON of work. I think I will get a lot out of it. But aside from all the papers we have to write, and all the reading we have to do- we also have to read three books written about the Book of Mormon from church authorities! Who knows if you can hash tag in blogs buuut... #goingtodie

Next, my astronomy class. Yes I'm taking astronomy. And yes it's freaking cool. I had my mind blown just in the first day. And, to top it all off, my professor is PROFESSOR MOODY. I have been a Harry Potter reader since I was born, just kidding since like first grade when they came out. I have been a book nerd forever since I started reading when I was three. I read the bible in like third grade haha. Anyway how cool that my astronomy professor of all classes has a name like that?!

A tribute to Mad-Eye #RIPHP

Besides that, school is the same old. I love BYU the actual school, but living in Provo is hard for me. I'm trying something new, and keeping a gratitude journal this semester! It was my friend Kenna Lee's idea. She is da best.

"It's a great day to be alive" #countrymusic


This is from the movie "Dear John." That movie is way too sad for me, but I love this song.

And here are some pictures. I got to be a model for a photographer here in Provo and it was so fun! Her business is called "One Take Photography" if you wanted to know.

Got sick of smiling haha

and Luh